As such, these two animals are not quite similar. In addition, killer whales are toothed animals with a distinct black and white patterned body, whereas blue whales are baleen creatures with a blue-gray coloration and mottled body. However, blue whales are a species of whale. Killer whales belong to the dolphin family. But are they similar? Let us find out together. Killer whales and blue whales are both popular oceanic animals. Image Credits: “Blue Whale – Balleine Bleue” by Alan ✪ is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Are killer whales and blue whales similar? Image credits: “Killer Whale” by eschipul is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0 Let us answer some of the most common questions. When carrying out a comparative analysis, there are several questions that people ask about both these species and how one fares when compared to the other.

Besides, killer whales and blue whales have different coloration too. As such, while killer whales can bite into their prey and tear it apart, blue whales can only use their baleen plate to sift their food through water. Killer whales are essentially toothed whales, whereas blue whales belong to the baleen whale family. Together, let us conduct a comparative analysis on them. Killer whales and blue whales are two of the largest ocean animals.